Well, here we are.. back at that date..… 10 years to the day that i post this… now of course its,…. Fans for years after Scream 3 ALWAYS talked about a fourth film, and always went to Scream and GhostFace forums (before Facebook ruined forums/message boards) and spoke with regards to a new film..

Most the time we saw topics on a film the key elements wanted were always the same names… Wes, Kevin, Neve, David and Courteney, and the score composer, Marco Beltrami… Thankfully we got what we wanted for that little checklist, but the fourth film always had mixed reactions.. Some preferring the extra footage we saw for Marnie and Jennys deaths, and others just nit-picking at the plot for whatever reason…. overall i personally was glad to see GhostFace back in action, and i wasnt giving the film top marks.. although i did enjoy it..  My current rating of films from favourite to least favourite is 2, 1, 4 ,3 …. I find no.1 to be almost unbeatable because of its unforgettable opening, but it was a slow film in regards to how it goes from one day to the next… Where as Scream 2, i found more suspensful, and always wondering what was going to happen next…

For me personally, it was the birth of Scream 4 that led me to get to know many fans over time., Nate Ragon, Meggy Blaine, Richie Suttles, Zach Cook, John Valeri, Zach Bartron, the list goes on…
It was also the project that got RJ Torbert started in Social media, and also the influence of Wes Craven who encouraged RJ to come online to Twitter..
See a short clip of the Scream 4 Premiere below..