Well, on July 16th at the Port Jefferson Free Library RJ Torbert had another event in relation to his new novel ‘No Mercy’.. last time he was there was back in October 2013.. along with two other authors.. This time around, it was John Valeri (aka The Hartford Books Examiner) .. John had some Questions lined up.. and RJ also had something to announce regarding a third story and it also had Wes Cravens input…
Needless to say the ‘announcement’ as it was, is referring to something happening with Wes and GhostFace, and Wes had gotten pictures of whatever it was that had happened.. Wes had then urged RJ to ‘use it’ in future… While i was at the 2013 event, i wasn’t at this one, sadly… but it sounds as though it was similar to the 2013 event, posing for pictures, taking questions from audience members.. and one young fan even gaining a NEW SILVER 25 YEAR GHOSTFACE MASK..
Mr John Valeri and RJ had managed to add pictures of the event online, some of which are below.. (look out for RJ and Kevin Cronin, a real retired cop, who plays a main part of the first and second book)..
As it was John Valeri who hosted this Q&A event, he has put an online article up.. and its an enjoyable read.. CLICK HERE TO READ IT!
- RJ Torbert and John Valeri
- The Main Entrance
- RJ Torbert with John Valeri and SM Mask Molds
- No Mercy Promo Stand
- RJ Torbert and Kevin Cronin
- No Mercy Promo Stand