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Tag: No Mercy

August 8th 2016: RJ Torbert on FiOS1 News Talking about NO MERCY

nomercybanner2016wpHello again, today we see a new video appear online which features RJ Torbert talking about his new novel, ‘NO MERCY’… in this clip we RJ talking whilst at Z Pita, we even see Joey Z himself appear and even RJ’s Wife, Roseann… Check it out below!

You can see the original article on the Fios1 News page by clicking the banner!

July 21st 2016: RJ Torbert’s Q&A at the Port Jefferson Library

nomercybanner2016wpWell, on July 16th at the Port Jefferson Free Library RJ Torbert had another event in relation to his new novel ‘No Mercy’.. last time he was there was back in October 2013.. along with two other authors.. This time around, it was John Valeri (aka The Hartford Books Examiner) .. John had some Questions lined up.. and RJ also had something to announce regarding a third story and it also had Wes Cravens input…

Needless to say the ‘announcement’ as it was, is referring to something happening with Wes and GhostFace, and Wes had gotten pictures of whatever it was that had happened.. Wes had then urged RJ to ‘use it’ in future… While i was at the 2013 event, i wasn’t at this one, sadly…  but it sounds as though it was similar to the 2013 event, posing for pictures, taking questions from audience members.. and one young fan even gaining a NEW SILVER 25 YEAR GHOSTFACE MASK..

Mr John Valeri and RJ had managed to add pictures of the event online, some of which are below.. (look out for RJ and Kevin Cronin, a real retired cop, who plays a main part of the first and second book)..
As it was John Valeri who hosted this Q&A event, he has put an online article up.. and its an enjoyable read.. CLICK HERE TO READ IT!

July 8th 2016: Powers and Johnson Novels by RJ Torbert

Hello all out there!! This is just a quick note for fans to look over if they are considering having RJ Torbert sign a book for them…. ANY fans that want him to sign his first book, or his new second book, or BOTH! Then send your Cheques in to Fun World directly… (see image info) …

Also, from July 17th – August 17th there is a special 1 month promotion on… BOTH books signed and returned to you! TFOF FREE!!!


June 21st : 2016 RJ Torberts New novel official Release date is here

nomercybanner2016wpWell here we are.. its the longest day of the year… June 21st… One of those days that passes so strangely in recent years.. (how is it longer? really?….) but today it marks the OFFICIAL day of release for RJ Torbert’s new novel.. NO MERCY!! For a while now RJ has continued with his personal goals of writing his own books, and this is the second which of course follows on from 2013’s release ‘The Face of Fear’… You can order your own copies by clicking the image below!

May 9th 2016: RJ’s NEW BOOK ANNOUNCED !!!

nomercyrjannouncedwpFor quite a while now RJ Torbert has been writing various tweets about the next Powers and Johnson novel, and saying that long time GhostFace fan ‘Rob Mac‘ was going to be announcing it.. Today, we saw that happen… Rob was given the honor of doing the announcement by RJ and Rob was definitely surprised when he was first told, here were all are now.. months later and the day is here.. You can find out more on how to obtain a new book on the link below..


Book synopsis
NO MERCY: A Powers and Johnson Novel is the continuing story of two detectives, who with the help of their boss, Det Lt Cronin, solved The Face of Fear Investigation (from Torbert’s first book The Face of Fear).

As with anything in life, there are repercussions with the way we handle “life” and the way the law is interpreted. There is a difference between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law. There are those who do not forget and want revenge. Therefore, when it comes to revenge, there is NO MERCY.

A plot to eliminate the Priority 1 Task Force has been planned by placing bounties on those who were involved in The Face of Fear Investigation. Powers and Johnson are on the case to find out who is behind the revenge. 

Ghost Face has his own plans for revenge, and is also showing NO MERCY.

I must say…. Jace Lash did another Excellent job on the Art work again!

See the official Powers&Johnson site also..