Its been a slow couple of months since the last video i added on here, various small tidbits popping up in regards to the SCREAM TV series, cast news, crew mentions, and others talking about what is coming in the future.. while it may give us fans something to think about we still dont have the news as to whether GhostFace will be involved.
Many fans were wondering what will happen if the mask isn’t approved for use.. others saying it would have to be involved for it to carry the name SCREAM in the title… Myself?…. well, im not sure, i dont always think that franchises can always do both sides of TV and films… things like Star Trek, then yes, Police Academy, then maybe… Even the old Disney Herbie films had a TV series that was short lived but is still watchable… With SCREAM… i dont think it will be the same, especially as Wes Craven and Kevin Williamson arent anywhere to be seen.. well not in a direct capacity like the first two films…. Time will tell… I only hope it doesn’t mark the SCREAM name, because if it does then a SCREAM 5 is most likely a ‘Big No No’ as Randy would say… not that its not the same now…
The Face of Fear – Signed book
Back in May of this year i did a charity Ghost hunt (Listed further down the page) with Dean Maynard.. at that time we had things to auction off to try and help get a bigger sum of money raised, we have a signed book or two around and currently one sits on Ebay.. as signed by RJ Torbert himself.. Click the link on the top banner here for the auction…
RARE GhostFace mask coming soon for auction…
I can only say a few things on this at this time… a rare (1 of 1) GhostFace mask is going to be coming soon for auction, with the word ‘rare’ being involved i may put a reserve on the mask at the time of going online, as i dont want it being wasted on someone who only wants to pay a low amount on it… i will say that i have never seen a mask like it in all of Ghostface’s life, and i hope fans like what they see come the time of showing pictures.. More soon on this.. keep an eye on this page..
Thanks to ‘Joshie B’ … Another Domain added here..
Fan of SCREAM and Ghostface made a generous contribution a short while back to this site in the form of another domain name, if you were to type in your browsers… then it will come back to this site..
THANKS VERY MUCH Mr Josh… Much appreciated.. I would have put something up sooner but its been busy over here with other things lately..
GhostFace, Michael Myers and The Fisherman will be in force on Halloween.
Yes, after the Charity Ghost Hunt was successful back in May we now have another Halloween event going on back at the Darlington Civic Theatre, and again its that Dean Maynard thats behind it.. More to come on this in the very near future…