Well, it seems that more and more just lately we are seeing the doorway to more SCREAM talk open further and further… This time we see (or hear) a lot of info from Pre-Scream times and also more recent times from the writer we always wanted to be invovled in our beloived Scream films!! Kevin Wiliamson…
He always seems elusive (or simply busy as hell) in the past, his time in Scream 4 was brief to say the least.. and finally we can now listen to some of his stories via this Shock waves podcast, with Rob Galluzzo, Elric Kane, Rebekah McKendry, and Ryan Turek… Its a damn good listen.. and even mentions the original plans for what was meant to be a second Trilogy back in 2011..

As some may remember, a screenshot off the william morris agency intranet back in 2009 was sent to me and had info saying Williamson had signed a deal for a Scream 4, 5 and 6..  those other two films never came to fruition obviously after things went sour between Kevin and Bob Weinstein..
The talk with Kevin starts around the 59:30 time stamp… He talks all the way to the end….