December 14th 2022 : Finally we see a teaser Trailer for Scream 6
NEW TEASER TRAILER BELOW….. GhostFace EU Stamp masks look to be back as the main killer mask, as it should be!!! A few Ultra Whites among cosplay people too…
June 12th 2022 : No Neve for Scream 6 – Handmade by Robots – MadAboutHorror EXCLUSIVES..
Well… ive been away ‘Across the Pond’ and only just been back from Las Vegas for a few days, and the Jet lag seems to have diminshed now..
Alot has been going on with news articles and its a mix of Scream 6 info and upcoming merchandise info too..
The main News coming out is that Neve is not coming back ( At time of writing ) and Hayden may be returning..
Dermot Mulroney has also joined up, and the filming has been delayed twice..
Aside from that, we have seen pictures of the set on Twitter and it has a NYC vibe…
Info below came from the Hollywood Reporter..
Neve Campbell says she won’t be in the new Scream sequel after she received an inadequate offer to star in the slasher franchise’s sixth installment.
“Sadly, I won’t be making the next Scream film. As a woman I have had to work extremely hard in my career to establish my value, especially when it comes to Scream. I felt the offer that was presented to me did not equate to the value I have brought to the franchise,” Campbell said in a statement obtained by The Hollywood Reporter.
In other news.. More GhostFace figures and eggs have come about via doing a collaboration with Handmade By Robots..
These figures have been doing EXTREMELY WELL with fans and many variants now exist.. Also, dont forget the GhostFace Micros are out too !!
Use code at checkout for an additional 5% off.. Code = GHOSTFACESITE
Lastly… MadAboutHorror have secured some EXCLUSIVES for 2022 in relation to GhostFace… They have secured the long awaited Pumpkin GhostFace, the 6ft GhostFace figure.. and the Slayer Kit WITH Voice Changer.. ( the Voice changer addition was only previously available by U.S suppliers.. the UK Distributor will only get the Slyer Kits WITHOUT the Voice changer, so overall we can get both types here in the UK come Halloween time…. All going well.. Get your PRE ORDERS in asap for the UK and Europe exclusives…
February 4th 2022 : Scream 6 Already Greenlit….
Well, it certainly comes as NO Surprise Whatsoever that a sixth film has just been Greenlit, with the new film SCREAM grossing over 106 Million dollars already it would have been very puzzling if there was no plans for a sequel.. but something tells me that Kevin Williamson may have had his original second Trilogy (Originally in his mind back in 2011 with Scream 4 before he departed the production)… in mind again this time, and despite him not taking up the main writer role, he certainly had MAJOR input ( Take Big Swings ) on the fifth film… so i personally suspect that a 6 & 7 may already be in the minds of the film makers.. The hollywood reporter and many many more websites have already spread the news and its no surprise anymore about a sixth film coming..
Text below from Hollywood Reporter…
Paramount and Spyglass are headed back to Woodsboro. A sixth installment of the Scream franchise has been greenlit, with the creative team from the successful 2022 film back in action.
Once again, Radio Silence’s Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett will direct, with James Vanderbilt and Guy Busick returning to pen the script. Production is slated to begin this summer.
“We are tremendously grateful to the fans around the world who enthusiastically received our film. We can’t wait for audiences to see what Radio Silence, writers Jamie & Guy and Project X have in store for our Woodsboro family,” Spyglass and Paramount said in a joint statement.
May 22nd 2020: Kevin Williamson talks via Podcast.. Original Scream 4 5 6 plans and more..
Well, it seems that more and more just lately we are seeing the doorway to more SCREAM talk open further and further… This time we see (or hear) a lot of info from Pre-Scream times and also more recent times from the writer we always wanted to be invovled in our beloived Scream films!! Kevin Wiliamson…
He always seems elusive (or simply busy as hell) in the past, his time in Scream 4 was brief to say the least.. and finally we can now listen to some of his stories via this Shock waves podcast, with Rob Galluzzo, Elric Kane, Rebekah McKendry, and Ryan Turek… Its a damn good listen.. and even mentions the original plans for what was meant to be a second Trilogy back in 2011..
As some may remember, a screenshot off the william morris agency intranet back in 2009 was sent to me and had info saying Williamson had signed a deal for a Scream 4, 5 and 6.. those other two films never came to fruition obviously after things went sour between Kevin and Bob Weinstein..
The talk with Kevin starts around the 59:30 time stamp… He talks all the way to the end….
- Original Screenshot for Second Trilogy Plans
- Old Headline on 2009 Moviehole site