For a long time there has been the odd chatter about the SCREAM TV series, and even less chat about SCREAM 5, in recent time Neve Campbell appeared in TV series ‘Mad Men’ and recently answered questions from ‘The Daily Beast’ about it, in those questions SCREAM 5 was mentioned, as far as Neve is concerned, she thinks its DEAD at this time…

Part of the interview below.. Click HERE for full article! (Credit to Rodrigo of ‘’ for the article)

I grew up with a lot of your films, and movies like Scream still hold up so well. Have you ever received a bad prank phone call?

No, I haven’t! I haven’t, weirdly. I unfortunately had some stalkers during that time but no weird prank calls. Although Halloween is always fun because I’ll be at the door handing out candy and someone will come by in a Scream mask. It’s just an easy costume, now. I’ll just be Ghostface!

Are we going to see another Scream film?

I don’t think we’ll see it again. I know they’re doing a TV show for MTV that I just read about, but originally they’d talked about Scream 4 being the beginning of another trilogy, but once we made it, it was such a challenge to do a good job with it, give the audience what they wanted, have it be fresh, and have it still retain the elements from the older movies people loved so much. I think we did a good job with it, but I don’t know if you can do it again and again and again. We’d be pushing it. So I think they’re smart with just doing a TV show and leaving it alone.