The meaning of terror

Fan Scripts by Scream Fans

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The meaning of terror

Postby Ghostface » Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:54 am

The Meaning of Terror
By "Screamlover"

Kids are locked in their high school by a killer and bodies start to mount up steadily...



Scene 1: Lily’s Laceration
(Setting- School classroom, a drama class, a teacher is in the front,students watching, some not.)
Mr. Mackey: Alright, so who remembers when Juliet finds Romeo, what she does? ( girl raises her hand.)
Mr. Mackey: Lily?
Lily: She tried to die the way Romeo did, so she tried to get poison from the cup too, but it didn’t kill her.
Mr. Mackey: Yes, and then what?
(Girl in class interrupts)
Paige: Who cares? It’s the end of the day and the bell…….
(Bell rings)
Paige: See?
Mr. Mackey: Go on everybody see you tomorrow.
(Lily grabs her stuff as a blond haired girl walks over.)
Lily: Wow, how can Paige and her friends always treat Mr. Mackey like that? …Hannah?
Hannah: Sorry, I’m trying to think about who I should try out for in Mr. Mackey’s play. Lily: I’ll help figure it out when you come over tonight.
Hannah: Fine, but are your parents going to be home?
Lily: No why?
Hannah: Oh because, they always fight when I’m there.
Lily: Well, tonight they are going to a fundraiser for my dad’s office.
Hannah: Ok, well what about Alan?
Lily: Oh do I smell lust?
Hannah: NO!! He’s cute though, crap!
(she looks at her watch.)
Hannah: I need to hurry, my sister is going to kill me if I’m not out front when she gets here, see you later!
(she runs from the classroom.)
Lily: Ok.
(Lily walks away.)
(screen fades with a new setting. Setting- Lily’s house, looks like in the woods. We zoom into house where Lily’s on the couch with a phone in her hand.)
Lily: Hannah, when will you be here?
Hannah: Like 20 minutes, I’m just finishing my dinner.
Lily: Ok well hurry. All the snow we’re getting right now will make my road slippery.
Hannah: I know, but why did your parents make your house so far in the woods?
Lily: Said it would be safe.
Hannah: Why? Dunning doesn’t have psycho killers.
Lily: Well, actually I’m not sure what they were thinking. But I got to go eat, see you soon.
Hannah: Bye.
(She hangs up. Lily walks into the kitchen. Phone rings.)
Lily: Hello?
(No answer)
Lily: Is someone there?
(Still nothing.)
Lily: Ok, bye then.
(She hangs up)
Lily: Odd. Must be the snow.
(She looks out window.)
Lily: Wow it’s coming down.
(She opens one of the cabinets, and we hear a loud thud.)
Lily: What the heck? Mom? Dad? Alan? Great now I’m hearing stuff coming from the upstairs.
(She puts a box of macaroni on the counter and grabs a pot. She buts water in it and starts carrying it over to the stove. We hear a bam. She drops the pot of water.)
Lily: Crap! What was that?
(She goes into the living room and looks up the stairs.)
Lily: Hello, Alan are you home?
Lily: I’m losing it.
(She goes back into the kitchen and she looks on the counter and where she set the phone, was nothing.)
Lily: What the…
(Phone rings)
Lily: Where is it?
(She walks into a little room with a bookcase, desk, chairs, and couch. The phone is not on the jack there either.)
Lily: Ok I’m getting out of here.
(She goes through the living room into little sunroom and grabs her coat. She looks in the pockets.)
Lily: Where’d my keys go?
(She walks by the staircase and the storage space in it.)
Lily: I’m so freaked out.
(She goes back by the staircase and stops. She hears something.)
Lily: What the heck?
(Staircase door slams open and a somebody pops out wearing a leather trench coat and a drama mask with an estranged look.)
Lily: Ah!
(She runs through the living room and into the sunroom and locks the door.)
Lily: Oh my god!
(There’s pounds against the door.)
Lily: Leave me alone stop this!
(Pounding stops.)
Lily: What am I going to do?
(She starts crying. All of the sudden a huge rock is thrown into the window of the sunroom, behind her.)
Lily: Ah!
(She runs out of the sunroom, and through the back porch door.)
Lily: Somebody help me!!
(She runs around the front of the house, and car is almost all the way down the round to the house.)
Lily: STOP!
(Car stops and a man gets out. It’s Lily’s brother.)
Alan: What’s going on?
Lily: Somebody’s in the house!
Alan: What?
(He runs his hand through his brown hair.)
Lily: Somebody tried to kill me, we need to get out of here!
Alan: Calm down, you need to….
Lily: Behind you!
Alan: What?
(Somebody grabs him from behind and slashes his throat.)
Alan: Uh.
(He drops to the ground.)
Lily: No!!
(Killer looks at her.)
Lily: No!
(He/she starts running after her and she runs too.)
Lily: Somebody please help!
(She looks back, and nobody’s there.)
Lily: Where’d he?
(She’s jumped on from behind.)
Lily: Ah, no! Somebody…..
(She’s stabbed in the back)
Lily: Ah!
(She manages to get out of the grip. She runs as fast as she can go with her back stabbed.)
(She falls from weakness.)
Lily-in quieted voice: Help.
(Killer turns her around on her back.)
(Killer has her so she can’t move. He/She raises the knife.)
Lily- in weak voice: Stop.
(Killer hacks the knife down into her heart.)
Lily: Uh.
(Her eyes shut. Killer gets up and runs.)
(Screen fades, end of scene.)

Then there was a cast change....

Amanda Bynes: Paige
James Napier: Carson
Jennifer Freeman: Monique
Andrew Lawrence: Kyle
Clara Bryant: Lily
Drew Fuller: Alan
Ricky Ullman: Ace Mackey
Allison Scagliotti: Chloe
Columbues Short: Tj
Justin Chon: Larz
Lisa Foiles: Hannah
Anneliese van der Pol: Candace
Amber Benson: Ms. Ray
John Stamos: Mr. Mackey
Amy Acker: Det. Jenna Grey


Then another...

Scout Taylor-Compton: Tara Blake
Michael Seater: Trent Hamilton
Kristy Wu: Cloey Liu
Jared Padalecki: James Hart
Drew Sidora: Shay Blackman
Mariska Hargitay: Mrs. Christiansen
Katherine Heigl: Ms. Ranson
Adrian R'Mante: Mr. Adams
Robert Adamson: Jay Fulton
Kaley Cuocco: Lexi King
Scott M. Foster: Greg Wallace
Alison Scagliotti: Jenny Dujuto
Justin Chon: Larson Shun


More to come soon...

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