Where can i get the Devil Face and Skele-Face masks ?
Originally asked ALOT in 2017 on the first release of the Devil and Skele Face masks.
Simply answered at this time….SEE ARTICLE LINKED ON THIS TEXT!
There are shops and websites listed for USA and UK
If you are outside the UK or USA then use the main ‘Contact’ link in the site navigation and then select either the ‘Devil Face’ or ‘Skele Face’ checkbox there….
I DO have Devil Face masks here on this site, just hit the CONTACT link and select the checkbox for Devil Face.
When is the MTV Scream TV Series coming to the UK ? Where , or how can i watch it ?
You can buy on DVD.. But NOT Everywhere on searching… It is limited on whatRegion DVD players you can view it on.
ALSO AVAILABLE ON DVD (REGION 0) Click Here for Amazon.co.uk Link! Click Here for Amazon.com Link!
What material are the costumes made of?
A question i can only half answer as i dont have a Screen used one, What i tell everyone is the same.. “A Thick Black heavy material which contains Silver flecks which appear Glittery from a distance showing a sparkle all over the costume” The material is expensive and a single costume would total around $700 to make for us fans with the ACTUAL material. There is more info on this below from Nate Ragon. (Question 1, of Nate’s Q&A below…)
Where can i get a GhostFace®/Scream mask from that’s Genuine?
A Question that has become popular lately for some reason, To find a GENUINE mask i advise Ebay as the most common place i see them, Check pictures, ask questions, and make sure its not a fake rip-off mask, failing that look for your nearest Costume shop!
Also.. hit the CONTACT link on THIS SITE.. and i have some ‘Ultra White’ masks available.. GENUINE FUN WORLD MASKS.
On Mask types : What kind of mask do i have? Can you Identify it ?
A question i can only really answer with the help of a picture or two! …
(UPDATE) As of October 22nd 2015 i now request that fans PLEASE post in the forum section called ‘Mask Types’… PICTURES ARE A MUST!!!! Its very hard to identify a mask from written text… Try and get a picture of all areas of the mask, Mouth, Eyes, Chin Stamp, or other stamps on it… Shroud, any labels…