• RJ Torbert Interview
  • Handmade By Robots
  • 2021 Merchandise - 25th Anniversary of SCREAM
  • Scream title announced Wraps Filming
  • Charity Raffle - Entries Closed.
  • Masks Postage October 2020
  • Sideshow Sixth Scale GhostFace Figure
  • 2019 GhostFace Masks
  • More GhostFace Enamel Pins from Cavity Colors
  • Mad About Horror Skele-Face and Devil Face Masks
  • GhostFace Mask returns to TV Series 3!
  • GhostFace Enamel Pins from Cavity Colors
  • Cavity Colors GhostFace Enamel Pins Set
  • RJ Torbert on his third Powers and Johnson novel
  • Madabouthorror Metallic GhostFace Masks
  • New for 2017 - Fun World Catalog
  • Fun World at the 2017 Expo Show
  • Scream 2 The Deluxe Edition Score CD
  • Order your Silver GhostFace Masks Here
  • Order your copy of RJ Torbert's New Novel.. NO MERCY!
  • Casey Beckers House For Sale
  • GhostFace T-Shirts from Fright Rags!
  • Scream 1 and 2 Scores on Vinyl
  • Learn about GhostFace Mask Types

Tag: metallics

January 5th 2019: GhostFace.co.uk – 12 Years Online….

12 Years later……….

Well, here we go again, after 12 years im still here with this site, and whilst all may have been quiet lately on the site there have been things happening in the SCREAM & GhostFace world!
Earlier in the year we had news of a new GhostFace mask coming ( EL GhostFace – AKA Illumo GhostFace )  , on its arrival it had mixed reviews from fans and was smaller than i thought it would be, but i myself liked it..
A ‘first’ for the UK in 2018 also saw the Metallic’s return, which has not happened in a hell of a long time, and many UK fans had the chance to buy masks via this very website! , which was another ‘first’ as i had never bought a small stock of masks before for the purpose of helping fans out if they couldn’t get any… (Although in 2017 i did manage to find a few Devil Face masks and send a few to USA fans) ,  also making a return to 2018 stock was the Hard PU Plastic masks assortment, ( Devil Face, Skele Face, and the White GhostFace ) Ultra Whites were a plenty as usual, some in the USA seeing the amended Header Tag now say the older ‘ASIS’ text thus replacing the SCRE4M Branding from previous years… this was also present on the EL GhostFace header tags and also the 2018 Metallics… Another small fact with the Metallics was that the ‘Savers’ stores had cancelled their order for 2018 as apparently sales were down in years previous??!!?! Which i found hard to believe… Ultra whites UK Stock didn’t have the amended header tags with the older ‘ASIS’ this time around but i hope come October 2019 that we may see that change too..  On a sad note though NO GhostFace fans cam e across ANY EU Stamped 2018 masks!! I REALLY hope these have NOT stopped production now…

June 2018 – More GhostFace enamel pins from Cavity Colors.. 

Yes, after the original GhostFace pin set did well, we also got a GhostFace carver’ pin, with all stock selling out Cavity Colors they then had another 2 versions of pins made, these were the STAB MOTION enamel pins, one version simply being the white mask, and another which was VERY limited, (ONLY 50 MADE) … which was a red mask, which also sold out in seconds!!! Eventually both types did sell out, but they had some more White mask types done, sadly there will be no more Red types!!


Well, this was all go wasn’t it!!!… it was cast, locations confirmed, casting calls also went out for extras, then it was filmed, and then wrapped!!! Twitter was alive with new info all the time from new cast members and then all of a sudden it went quiet, news broke of TWC troubles, and ever since we have had little info regarding what is happening, small rumours had popped up stating that names would be removed from the credits and then it went silent… many fans have asked RJ Torbert as to what is going on and RJ has little info for us too… we can only assume that talks may be going on in the background and hopefully one day us SCREAM and GhostFace fans may get the chance to see what the finished product came out like, remember, the REAL GhostFace mask returns this time, along with his PROPER voice Roger L Jackson!!

SCREAM Comes Home – Fan Event – October 2018 – By Anthony Masi and Nate Ragon

Whilst i didn’t attend this event ( i couldn’t afford it )  it definitely seemed everyone who did attend it had a hell of a good time, there were talks from extras in the movie in a big barn, rooms available to stay in actually IN STUS HOUSE, and also places to stay in other outbuildings on the property, there were goody bags which included a limited run of special Ultra White masks, and a locations tour around the fictional Woodsboro including the fountain, police station, shop where Sidney and Tatum talk, among others, another nice addition came in the form of a location video from ‘Adam the Woo’ or ‘TheDailyWoo‘ which gives us a very nice tour of Stu’s House, and even briefly driving there… Also, only recently, ‘January 4th’ via Facebook , Superfan Nate Ragon stated that some BIG NEWS was on the way regarding the SCREAM World, whether thats in regards to maybe going to Stu’s House again, or something totally different we dont know, we will be awaiting is announcement…  See Adams Video below.

Many Thanks to Anthony Masi who gave me permission to use the group photo below!! 

UPDATE: January 7th 2019 – Nate Ragon’s announcement was that fans who missed or couldn’t attend the SCREAM COMES HOME event now have another chance to see Stu’s house, see the new WEEKENDATSCENE118 Website for more details!! 

Upcoming… 2019..

As usual Fun World will be in attendance at the Halloween and Party Expo Show in New Orleans, which runs from January 25th – 27th.. as usual it looks like Fun World has the largest booth again.. SEE HERE
A small rumour popped up via a facebook page for Fun World last year responding to a fan who had asked if coloured GhostFace were ever going to return, Fun World stated that ‘they would return next season, as in 2019’!!! So, Fluorescent’s may be returning to our lists of mask wants next year!! ( It is believed that the original colours of Pink, Green and Orange will be back, TBC )

Well, thats it for now, the only other small bit of info is that the very highly visited ‘Masks’ page here is undergoing a slow revamp yet again, many fans have sent images of many early masks and it is still undergoing alterations at this time, needless to say it will feature a lot more info on the earlier mask types as well as amendments to other sections like Metallics and HHN types to list a couple..

Happy New Year
Tim (GhostFace)

October 16th 2018: How to get 2018 Manufactured Ghostface masks

Here we go, it’s been a short while since an update has come but i can now finally show fans what 2018 GhostFace masks i have, as in available via my site..

Video below will explain it all..

January 1st 2017: Super-fan Meggy Blaine shows us a mega Scream & GhostFace Collection!

Well, this video came online via Meggy Blaine (A long time fan of Scream and GhostFace) on December 18th 2016… via a tweet she posted… it shows a brilliant collection that’s been built up over many years.. some absolutely gorgeous masks there among other things..  Meggy has some jewels’ in her possession here… including early tagged masks and even a Silver Chrome 25 Year Prototype Mask sent to her by RJ Torbert!
Watch below.. and Enjoy!

October 2nd 2015: Metallic GhostFace Masks for 2015

saversmasks2015wpHello again… earlier this year (back in June) i asked RJ Torbert as to whether the GhostFace Metallic masks would be making another return this year.. to which he answered YES!!

The only trouble with that is the UK fans and of course fans in any other country that ISNT the USA then has to try and find a trusted USA based fan to source them for them if they desire them to be added to their collections.. But what if you dont know any fans?
Well, over the past few years i have got some via a few sources, fans i know over there, RJ Torbert himself, or from a Savers store you can get in contact with via Email.. (Or their Facebook page).
After seeing pictures online recently i can confirm that they ARE back in the same stores as they were last year… namely ‘Savers’, or ‘Value village’ in some areas… Whilst these stores arent FULLY nationwide in the USA we can still get in touch with the store a couple of my own sets came from in the past…
Details on stores are on the icon below (Click to Download)
And the shop i got mine from in the past was based in Nova Scotia, Canada.. i e mailed the store manager ‘Reg’ at the time and he sorted me a set out and got them sent over (Charges applie of course)
That same store has a Facebook page, linked below too.. Try your luck and see if you can obtain a set, otherwise maybe get in touch with some USA fans…

PLEASE NOTE: If you do find a store willing to help you obtain a set then its likely you may be contacted by their head office to pursue the transaction and take payment by a credit card over the phone.


September 28th 2012: GhostFace® Metallic’s Return again !

Last year saw a sigh of relief for some fans after they were told via myself after inquiring to RJ Torbert that they could get their hands on the Metallic GhostFace® masks, via ‘Savers’ or ‘Value Village’ stores.. as 4000 were made… many a fan took this chance and now own these mask types!

This year i e mailed the ‘Savers’ branch i got my masks from and gladly they do have them again..

On another note, a fan i know of ‘Sean’ from USA got some stores info from the head office and its available in a download-able file HERE… Numbers and Addresses of stores so you can check availability. Thanks Sean!

Some more facts from RJ Torbert about this years Metallic’s…

7,000 pieces only made and shipped of the metallic mask in four colors——PURPLE, GREEN, BLUE AND ORANGE

Savers’ Stores has about 3,700 Piece’s
Savers’ Canada stores have around 1,600 Piece’s
Small stores throughout the U.S have another 2,000 Piece’s.

So there you have it, More available and not just from one chain this year. Thanks to RJ for the info!