Well, finally i can give all the UK fans the same news as the USA fans have had for a couple of weeks…. The Silver GhostFace Masks are now IN STOCK on the MadboutHorror.co.uk Website!!
After a long struggle of trying to obtain these the UK fans can now finally see their Pre-Order paying off… Literally!! If you have Pre-Ordered one from them, then you may have to check your inbox for a notification of payment being due, in which they will then send your brand new Anniversary mask to you ASAP.. (They are fast with postage too!!) … Even if you are a USA fan, or a fan in another country you can still contact them about purchasing one and whether they will ship a mask to you if you are in a far far away land..(Bear in mind that in some cases the postage may cost more than the actual mask!)
Click the Banner above for the listing on their site!