Here we have some info on the ‘Film within a Film’ STAB movies, Listed at this time are Stabs 1-4, i know in Scream 4 there are 7 now made but info seems to be limited on them at this time.
There is a ‘Wikia’ page linked if you want more info. Whilst the STAB movies aren’t greatly seen in massive detail in the films there is a lot of info out there from fans..


Download the Fonts for your PC or Laptop, or whatever else you use.

The main fonts styled on Scream for use on Fan Posters etc… all Fonts are used somewhere in Scream, the “Gamecube” font was at the time of adding it nearly close to the Scream 3 trailer font which is actually called “Banque Gothic”. Download all the Original Trilogy Scripts (Click actual image for Scripts Downloads) Download Fonts HERE!

SCREAM – The old content can be viewed from internet archives from THIS LINK!
SCREAM 2 Content can be seen on THIS LINK!
SCREAM 3 Content can be seen HERE
SCREAM 4 Content linked HERE