Well, here we are yet again, these little bits of news just keep coming steadily now… This time with Neve again, while she has NOT officially signed on to Scream 5 at this time, it seems she IS open to the idea, but like with Scream 4, it has to be for the right reasons, and done right, and to think, with Scream 4, we knew Wes was directing… yet she said No to Kevin Willimason at first too..  I cant remember the full story or what she said afterwards in the documentaries, but im sure Wes had a hand in getting her back… This time though, well, i only HOPE that she gets a bit more talking done with the two directors..
And that is what the article today includes, it seems the Directors of the future Scream 5 have sent a letter to Neve… Info below from Collider..

You’ve said that you were initially reluctant to do another Scream without Wes Craven, which is very understandable, but what ultimately you changed your mind and got you interested in that possibility?

CAMPBELL: Well, I’m not a hundred percent on it, but to be honest, the two directors (Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett) have made some great work. I’ve watched their films, and they’re really talented. They wrote a letter to me, expressing what great fans of Wes’ work they are, and how honored they are that they’re getting the chance to make Scream 5 because the Scream franchise is the reason that they’re directors now. So, that was really sweet. They really wanna honor Wes’ style of work and honor the movies. That was a lovely thing to hear. So, we’ll see. Hopefully, we can all see eye to eye on everything and make something great, but it’s a process.

Have you always felt like there was more of Sidney’s story left to tell?

CAMPBELL: I think you can always tell them more with these stories, and they’re such fun films. There’s obviously a huge audience for them, and the audiences wants to see more of them. You can always go further with the journey. Certainly, with Sidney, she comes to some new shift in her life, every time, and I don’t know. We’ll see.