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Category: Fan Films

December 8th 2015: 9 Years Later…

9yrslaterwpWell here we are again then… a little late this year on the date but basically the end of November and start of December resemble the birth of GhostFace.co.uk, all that way back in 2006!
Whilst in the later part of November and start of December many see this as the start of Christmas coming, i tend to ignore that now, and see it as my websites birthday more.. I remember when the site was first in existence as a ‘Proboards forum’ (Which is still online) i remember the fans that did visit saying that IF a ‘SCREAM 4’ was made the must-have characters were always to be Sidney, Dewey and Gale.. otherwise there was no point, the other two key factors always mentioned were Wes and Kevin.. and only around a year and a half after going online the announcement came in July 2008 that the film was finally Green-lighted! The rest is history now! So… here we are now.. in 2015.. and still online.. what has 2015 given us ?!! Some good things, and sadly a major bad thing too!

2015 – Good and Bad
Well, with it being 2015 many of us that also like the ‘Back to the Future’ films saw it as a celebration of the dates that Doc and Marty time traveled to in the Delorean all the way back in 1989! And while Hoverboards DO exist in a capacity, its not as expected, or as they were portrayed in the film is it!
But thats life!
With regards to Scream & GhostFace fans we have a sadder reason now for remembering 2015.. Wes… Whilst the movie worlds of Horror and Thrillers (and sometimes romantic stories) suffers a major loss of a great director… a major loss!! In late August we all go the nasty news that he had sadly passed on… and i saw many things online in relation to this sad loss from fans..

Wes Craven – 1939 – 2015 / the man he was..
From the start of Horror movies in my life i always liked Wes’s work.. Mainly because the first film of his i ever saw that was a horror was SCREAM… for years previous i hated Horror, couldn’t stand it one bit.. i remember going round to friends houses in younger years and seeing their older brothers and sisters watching parts of Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees films.. from the very little i could manage to watch (i was only around 7-8 yrs old at the time) i remember thinking that some killers seemed indestructible, no matter what happened to them they kept coming back, and even as a young child then it put me off Horror.. plus it made me paranoid about walking back home at night! So Wes did so his job right in that respect, i only saw about 5 minutes of a Freddy film and i couldn’t take no more.. I still haven’t watched them until this day!

With regards to meeting Wes though i never did sadly.. i have seen many fans post up pictures of themselves with him and reading how they met him, whether it was in an area he was filming, or at the Scream 4 premiere which was good for them too… but the closest i ever got was only via Twitter, he had Followed me in the last year and actually wished me a happy birthday back in June.. I had heard from RJ Torbert recently after i asked RJ about Wes ever viewing my site.. As far as RJ knew he said he had been on the site here.. So i hope he liked what he saw and read..
One thing i did notice about Wes was what the cast members and many others who worked with him said too.. that being that he was REALLY a good man, a nice man, a sweet man, and not the psycho or mad man that people may have thought of him due to his ability to scare us all in his films.. From what i saw in recent years during Scream 4 being made (and on many DVD extras on the Scream movies) it was true, Wes was a genuine nice man, he was someone who had mastered his craft in the movie world, and remained one hell of a man in normal life, his love of birds and other hobbies shown this throughout some of his online media and interviews and even his own website.. I wont forget the presence on Twitter during Scream 4.. many fans were talking to him whilst he was in between working.. pictures of him on his phone tweeting, or playing Doodle Jump!…. i never did beat the score he put up! One thing i always remember though is the pic he posted of a tired GhostFace! In between takes he snapped a picture of ‘Dane Farwell’ as GhostFace sat on a rooftop.. Poor chap looked knackered! | Pictured Below…


I think Wes knew what he wanted when it came to all the Scream films with the portrayal of Ghostface and all the characters we saw… I will always have him to thank AND all others involved in the making of these SCREAM movies.. They gave me a mask and icon i love! Its mostly shown in this site i think..
Rest in peace to Wes though.. i honestly hope we all go somewhere up above after this life, and if we do, i hope to meet him up there..

2015 for Ghostface
Well, as the year started we got yet another type of mask from Alan Geller, the ‘Smoldering / Eerie Embers’ mask… (Now on the masks page too) .. We also saw the return of more Metallic Ghostface masks.. ordered again by the ‘savers’ store chain..
In this year also GhostFace reached a new age, an age of 24, so next year i hope will see some type of anniversary masks i hope.. as 25 is a milestone for any type of mask! Particular one that’s so well known!

Scream Tv Series – July 2015
Well after much discussion online between fans it finally did show its face to us.. literally… The MTV Scream series made it presence known at the start of July and weeks previously in the form of clips posted on YouTube by the MTV account there.. we saw Trailers and a ‘first 8 minutes’ clip debut.. Some fans hated it, some fans loved it, and some didn’t even bother watching it.. I myself wasn’t too keen after seeing a new mask created for it, but true to my word i did eventually watch every episode to give it a fair chance and to get the story completed…
My verdict was that it was ok but it didn’t have the authentic ‘Scream feel’ to it like we saw in the movies.. and that it was a total different world in some ways in ‘Lakewood’.. i do remember though, reading online that TWC wanted to keep the movie world and Tv Series world separate.. so that gave a reason for a new mask creation… at the end of the day i think the SCREAM name maybe helped it get viewers, but in my opinion it could have been named ANYTHING else in relation to Teens, School life, Mass murders, or psycho killers… the fact it was called ‘SCREAM the tv series’ didn’t make much difference to me.. i know of fans from the movies who think of the series as non existent because it doesn’t come close to the quality of the films..

Series 2..
Whilst there is positive and negative points on the series there was a green light for a second series.. time will tell as to what happens and if the ‘Brandon James’ mask reappears…

Arnold Scream – the end of an era.
Well.. as time went on from me creating this site in late 2006 i had always wanted to put my old video footage online for anyone to see… as time went on we had many trailers and fan films go online.. it was originally known between friends in it as ‘Scream filming’ and later got the name of ‘Arnold Scream’ as many of us were from, or lived in Arnold at the time of making the clips, all of the time it was view-able i made it clear that it wasn’t anything serious and was all for fun.. anyone that has seen the films will know this because the acting is bad.. its just friends messing about with a GhostFace mask, thats it..!! The website for the films came along on December 7th 2009… and was there for people to read details and see locations for what we were doing in the films.. the last ever footage i did for the films was back in June 2010.. and since then the site remained online for anyone interested to view.. now though its up for renewal but im letting it go… it was always there for a temporary period anyway, and this year i thought it had been online long enough.. it expired on December 7th 2015 and will no doubt be gone very soon after this post is read by some.. the clips on YouTube will remain (mostly trailers) otherwise its off to the Internet Archive site to view the site in previous years.. I have added a trailer below of the first film which i think sums up the basic description of Arnold Scream.. that being one of friends having fun with GhostFace.. and in this trailer that’s exactly what you see!

Well, that’s it for now… I hope you all have a good Christmas and Happy New Year!
Until January.. See you later!
GhostFace (Tim)

April 15th 2014: A NEW Fan film – SCREAM Italian Tribute


Its been a short while since ive seen a worthy fan film based on SCREAM, but ever since SCREAM 4 has been and left us again i have noticed quite a few fans getting together and making sure their GhostFace masks are ready again.. this clip came as recommended by Mr John Valeri, (Scream Franchise Examiner) and after watching it i quite liked it… See what you think!

PS. This is an Italian Fan film, with English subtitles.. Made by Christopher Allari/Frame Studios
(Make sure captions are turned on because the subtitles are not in the edited video itself like the French clip a few articles below)

December 15th 2013: A NEW Fan film from ScreamWeb.net

For a hell of a long time ive known of many a fan because of this site, and many a name i now recognise because of this, ‘Ronny’ who runs ScreamWeb.net has been busy with a fan film based on one of my favourite scenes in Scream 2, namely, the Cici Death scene… Ronny has made a short fan film based on this, watch it above!

PS. This is a FRENCH Fan film, with English subtitles..